In partnership with the IAUJC, Chabad Cornell is happy to help you have matzah and wine at your seder.
The holiday of Passover is also called Chag HaMatzos, which means the holiday of Matzah. As such, the main mitzvah is to eat matzah on the first night of Passover - which is after 8:27pm on April 22nd 2024 in Ithaca.
Beyond that, eating Matzah at the second seder and for subsequent days of the holiday is a mitzvah. For larger quantities of matzah, you can buy matzah from Chabad. Subsidies are available where needed. You can email Rabbi Eli to make an arrangement.
It is also a Rabbinic law to drink four cups of wine at each of the Sedarim. Chabad will prioritize wine distribution for those who can't afford it. To buy your own wine, you can visit Triphammer Wines or Northside Wine & Spirits for a variety of kosher for Passover wines.
Please complete this form to get your hand-made Shmura ("guarded from contact with water") Matzah and wine for your Passover seder.
Matzah and wine is limited to groups of 4 people or less. The priority of this distribution is for people making sedarim in Ithaca. If you need matzah for the last days of Passover, please contact us after the sedarim or look in Wegmans for matzah. Thank you.