Sushi in the Sukkah followed by a Holiday Dinner in the Sukkah* - Sun. Sept. 23rd, 8pm |
Holiday Lunch in the Sukkah - Mon. Sept. 24th, 2pm |
Shake the Lulav and Etrog in the sukkah on Ho Plaza, 4pm-6pm |
2nd Night Holiday Dinner in the Sukkah* - Mon. Sept. 24th, 9pm |
2nd Day Holiday Lunch in the Sukkah - Tue. Sept 25th, 2pm |
Shake the Lulav and Etrog in the sukkah on Ho Plaza, 4pm-6pm |
Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah * - Friday night, Sept. 28th, 8pm |
Shabbat Lunch in the Sukkah - Saturday day, Sept. 29th, 1pm |
* With guest speaker Shneur Zalman Shem Tov. |
* This event is made possible by the Student Activities Funding Commission |